NRK220X series voice recognition IC
★ Use the latest neural network (TDNN) algorithm;
★ It has the advantages of accurate identification and noise reduction;
★ Built -in 1MB SPI Flash;
★ It can support up to 100 offline instructions;
★ VBAT is 2.2V to 5.5V; VDDIO is 2.2V to 3.6V;

The NRK220X series voice recognition chip is a newly launched industrial -grade voice recognition chip suitable for factory mass production types. Artificial intelligence chips dedicated to voice processing can be widely used in the fields of home appliances, home, home, lighting, speakers, toys, wearable equipment, automobiles and other products to achieve voice interaction and control.

NRK220X supports local vocabulary voice recognition and sound pattern recognition. Combining with the built -in CPU nuclear can be used for various intelligent voice solutions. NRK220X has a built -in high -performance and low power consumption Audio Codec module and hardware audio processing module, which can connect the microphone to achieve the functions of long -field noise reduction and echo elimination of single -chip. At the same time, the chip also integrates multi -way UART, I 2 C, SPI, PWM, GPIO and other peripheral control interfaces, which can develop low -cost single -chip intelligent voice offline recognition solutions.

NRK220X series voice recognition chip has no built -in DRAM in NRK2201. According to user needs, it can support 80 entries recognition. NRK2202 has built -in 8 m DRAM, which can support the identification of 300 entries. NRK2202 can pass the built -in high -speed UART interface interface. Docking wireless modules such as WIFI and Bluetooth to achieve online voice recognition solutions. The basic functions of the product can be controlled by offline voice, and the content and services can be implemented online. The NRK 2202 solution can seamlessly connect local intelligence and cloud intelligence. Under the premise of meeting cloud applications It affects user experience and pure cloud interaction cannot guarantee pain points such as privacy and security.


2. Functional characteristics

1. The production cycle is fast, only one day, there is no small amount of restrictions on placing an order

2. Support the identification of dozens to hundreds of entries is rich in port, built -in MCU, you can customize various special functions

4. Work voltage range: 2. 97 -3. 63 V

5.32 high -main frequency CPU

6. Support 6 PWM interface

7.3 Road UART interface, 3 m Pottering rate can be supported

8.2 Road I 2 C interface

9.1 General SPI interface

10.1 QSPI interface

11.. Built -in 4 channel 12 Bit Sar Adc

12.. Support external crystals or source crystals

13.. Built -in PLL

14.. Built -in power -on and under pressure reset circuit

15.. Neural network operation DNN processor kernel

16.. Local voice recognition

17.. Hardware VAD voice detection and interrupt wake -up

18 .. Support Single Maiyuan noise reduction, single wheat echo elimination

3. Selection Guide


4. Pin drawing and function description


5. Application schematic diagram


6. Electrical characteristics


7. Packaging information



Guangzhou Jiuxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. The company is headquartered in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. Our company is a company's development, voice product solution design, voice product production, and voice -up software development.Smart home, smart home appliances, Internet of Things services, high -tech companies that integrate soft hardware strength.


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